(I covered much of closed Information in this posting)
dear mr. X
hi, you can call me N, I want to ask your opinion. yesterday I went O2SN badminton game field, I'm really happy, although lost, I intended to continue with seriously, but I'm stuck in two choices between dance lessons and badminton, because I really like both of them, I ask your opinion, can ? because if I choose badminton, doesn't too much kids who can, so it will be easier. doesn't like the dance, who have much interested .. by the way, what can I call you, can I call mr. X?
Dear N,
hello, N! I think, dance and tennis at the same good. but it's hard to choose especially if you like the two of them. but do not worry.
you just need to follow your heart you. Which you prefer, and more enjoy part which. not until you regret later. come more easily. Don't make your body tired or even sick. Ask your Mom, you're talented where. reply to your age, better go dance, I think. because you're a girl. but no one really, if you want to join tennis.
You must islam (I saw it from your name). maybe if you follow tennis, great fit when you already want to try the dance may be difficult. because the dancer was rocking over there and here. and, today's hard work. not necessarily in the future can come dance dancing like now. now you have a lot of free time right?
or join both. manage your time. in his spare time you will dance and you can join tennis club. give your coreography dance idea to your friends at dance club. could also, you dance while playing tennis right? an important lesson. if achievements, see it later. tolerable if when you win in tennis match, you danced with a neutral style
essentially follow the more you like and who more enjoy. adolescence is when you do anything you like. do not let it hurt you or anyone else. okay?
hello, N! I think, dance and tennis at the same good. but it's hard to choose especially if you like the two of them. but do not worry.
you just need to follow your heart you. Which you prefer, and more enjoy part which. not until you regret later. come more easily. Don't make your body tired or even sick. Ask your Mom, you're talented where. reply to your age, better go dance, I think. because you're a girl. but no one really, if you want to join tennis.
You must islam (I saw it from your name). maybe if you follow tennis, great fit when you already want to try the dance may be difficult. because the dancer was rocking over there and here. and, today's hard work. not necessarily in the future can come dance dancing like now. now you have a lot of free time right?
or join both. manage your time. in his spare time you will dance and you can join tennis club. give your coreography dance idea to your friends at dance club. could also, you dance while playing tennis right? an important lesson. if achievements, see it later. tolerable if when you win in tennis match, you danced with a neutral style
essentially follow the more you like and who more enjoy. adolescence is when you do anything you like. do not let it hurt you or anyone else. okay?
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(aku menyamarkan sebagian informasi tertutup di posting ini)
dear mr. X
hai, salam kenal, kamu bisa panggil aku N, aku mau minta pendapat kamu dong, kmrn aku ikut O2SN tennis lapangan, aku seneng bngt, walaupun kalah, aku berniat untuk melanjutkannya dg serius, tapi aku terjebak dalm dua pilihan antara les tari dan tennis ini, krn dua2nya sangat aku suka, aku minta pendapat mu bisa?? karena kalau aku pilih tennis tdk terlalu bnyak yg bisa jd lebih mudah, tdk dg tari yg bnyak pemintanya.. oh iya, aku bisa panggil kamu apa, aku panggil mr. X gpp kn?
thanks ya
dear N,
halo, N! menurutku, tari dan tennis sama sama bagus. tapi memang sulit untuk memilih apalagi kalo kamu suka dua duanya. tapi jangan khawatir.
kamu hanya perlu mengikuti kata hati kamu. kamu lebih suka yang mana, dan lebih enjoy ikut yang mana. jangan sampe kamu nyesel nantinya. ikutlah yang lebih mudah. jangan buat badan kamu capek atau bahkan sakit. tanya sama mama kamu, menurutnya kamu berbakat dimana. kalo untuk seumuran kamu, lebih baik ikut tari, menurutku. soalnya kamu cewek. tapi nggak salah kok, kalo kamu mau ikut tennis.
kamu pasti islam (namanya keliatan). mungkin kalau kamu ikut tennis, pas udah besar saat kamu mau coba tari mungkin akan susah. karena penari itu goyang ke sana dan ke sini. lagian, jaman sekarang butuh kerja keras. belum tentu nanti bisa ikut nari nari kayak smp ini. sekarang, kamu banyak waktu luang kan?
atau ikut keduanya. bagi waktumu. di waktu luang kamu akan menari dan kamu bisa ikut klub tennis. bagi ilmu tarimu sama teman-teman klub tari. bisa juga, kamu menari saat bermain tennis kan? yang penting itu pelajarannya. kalau prestasi, lihat nanti lah. lumayan kalau saat kamu menang di pertandinga tennis, kamu nari-nari dengan gaya yang netral
pokoknya ikut yang lebih kamu suka dan yang lebih enjoy kamu jalanin. masa remaja adalah saat kamu melakukan apapun yang kamu suka. jangan sampai itu merugikan kamu ataupun orang lain. oke?
selamat tinggal,